How to enroll in HubSpot Beta programs

Once upon a time, enrolling in a HubSpot beta required users to contact HubSpot or ask a partner to contact HubSpot on your behalf. Today, HubSpot account Super Admins can access a list of beta features the account is eligible for, and opt into the features they want to test. 



  1. Open your Profile & Preferences area by clicking on your profile picture.
  2. Click on “Product Updates,” 
  3. Navigate to the “Early Access” area and click “Betas” to open a list of available beta features.
  4. Choose the feature you want to opt into and click “Join beta.”
  5. Select the radio button to determine who will have access to the feature. 

    * To enroll all users in your account, select “Enroll entire account.”
    * To limit testing to yourself, click “Enroll only me.”
    Note: To change the users enrolled in the beta feature, click “Edit” beneath the feature name.

  6. Click “Join beta.”
  7. To leave the beta, click “Leave beta.”

It’s important to note that beta participation is intended to provide users an opportunity to test drive a feature and provide feedback on the feature’s performance. HubSpot beta feature participation helps developers understand how the products work, and how they can be improved for future users. Always enroll in HubSpot beta programs with the intention of helping make the feature better for future users.