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How to Create Educational Product/Service Pages that Increase Sales

Written by Monica Madsen | Jan 10, 2013 3:07:00 PM

One goal of your website should be to promote your products and services. Having a page for each product or service you offer will achieve this goal. A product page is so important because it showcases what you can offer your visitors. These pages are about educating visitors on the various ways you can provide successful solutions for your customers’ challenges. This will also help you to build trust and credibility, growing your brand identity. Aside from the website's homepage, the product and service pages are the most visited pages on your website. These pages are the virtual sales rep for your business, with an overall goal of educating visitors so they take some type of action. Creating pages that have a lasting effect are important for the potential of customer retention and sales growth.

To help ensure that your product/service pages have all the important information, there are three steps that need to be taken:

  1. Do a page audit
  2. Determine the structure of pages
  3. Develop the page and offer content

Page Audit

The page audit is meant to help you set up the pages to give them the best chance to connect with your audience’. You should be able to answer each of these questions when examining your product/service page:

  • Product/service name?
  • What problem does this solve?
  • What question does this answer?
  • Who is your buyer?

Once you’ve determined the answer to each question, make sure the page content is informative, answering those questions as thoroughly as possible. Also, it is important to understand the buyer flow process. What steps does the buyer take when making a purchase? Use links and images to help direct to the next step of the process. When creating the content for the pages, work together with your sales team to help ensure everyone is on the same page and following the sales process. Make sure your content is search engine optimized with your keywords and phrases, and that is engaging as well.

Page Structure

Develop a page structure that fits with the buying process.

  • Make sure each page has one or two defined goals.
  • Have one page that describes or summarizes each of your products or services.
  • Every product or service should have its own webpage.
  • The pages must educate the visitors on how the product or service can help solve their problems and challenges.
  • Use bullet points to help educate and display product benefits.
  • Have a direct link to your product page from your homepage.

Think of the product or services pages as part of your team. Talk to your sales team to learn what questions they are continually answering, and incorporate those answers within the page.

*Source: HubSpot

Page and Offer Content

Simply put, the content on the product/service pages should answer the question: “What am I going to get?”

  • Keep the content free of jargon and acronyms, or anything other confusing items and terms.
  • Make sure the benefit and value of the product/service is clear and apparent. Show the need for your company’s services.
  • Include at least two calls-to-action on the page, providing the next step for potential buyers.
  • Each page should be optimized for one long-tailed keyword that defines that specific product/service. Your brand should be the secondary focus.
  • The content needs to be relevant and talk specifically about that one product or service on that specific page.
  • And as always, follow the rules of on-page SEO.

When you’ve completed these three steps, you should have your product or service pages complete. Each page should have a specific goal, optimized for a non-branded keyword specific to that product/service, a value proposition that reveals its benefits, and overall, should educate and inform your visitors.