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Content Marketing Predictions: 2024

Written by Janice Dombrowski | Oct 5, 2023 12:30:00 PM

Isn’t it too early to talk about content marketing predictions in 2024?

According to the data (see point #9 below), nope!

I learned last week that October basically means the end of the year in how audiences consume information (thank you, LinkedIn data and Jay Schwedelson). So, I thought I'd get ahead and start thinking about content marketing in 2024.

Here are my initial research-based thoughts on what marketers are likely to see and do more of in 2024.

1. AI-Driven Initiatives

AI algorithms will enhance content personalization, content generation, UX, graphics and video creation, your internal processes, and more. Don't be afraid to dive in and see how AI can help you. Perhaps it's tailoring experiences for individual users, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. It could transfer data from one spreadsheet to the next. Outline your daily tasks and figure out which AI platforms can help you.

How to get started:

Understand which AI platforms can help you improve efficiencies and test!
Who to follow on LinkedIn to learn more: Paul Roetzer

2. Micro-Moments Content

Based on trends that can already be seen, brands will increasingly prioritize the creation of highly targeted content that caters to specific "micro-moments" - instances when consumers seek instant solutions, advice, or information. By optimizing their content for mobile devices, brands aim to seamlessly connect with consumers in a way that is convenient, engaging, and tailored to their immediate needs.

How to get started:

Revisit your buyer's journey and the content you currently have for each stage, for each persona. Fill in the missing pieces.

3. Original Research

In a world of AI, distinguish your brand from the competition with original research. By harnessing the power of data, you can fuel compelling or persuasive content that captivates your audience. Consider the data points your customers truly care about -- they are the foundation for building thought-leadership content. Engaging your audience with well-researched insights will establish your brand as a trusted authority in your industry.

How to get started:

Consider data points you currently own -- can you use those to fuel original content and research? Think: What does our audience want to consume in terms of insights and trends? Now, create it!
Who to follow on LinkedIn to learn more: Michele Linn

4. User-Generated Content Amplification

Brands are recognizing the growing importance of user-generated content. By actively encouraging and amplifying customer-generated testimonials, brands harness the power of authentic experiences and opinions to connect with their audience on a deeper level. This strategic approach not only enhances brand credibility but also fosters a sense of community and trust among customers.

How to get started.

Ask for reviews. Splash reviews on every page, on every piece of collateral, and within content at every stage of the buyers' journey. User-generated content is social proof; social proof builds trust.

5. Subject Matter Expert Insights

Expertise makes your brand, product, or service unique in the marketplace. Highlight that expertise by showcasing your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Blogs, podcasts, LinkedIn, FAQs, Q+As, etc., use your SMEs to build content that AI and other brands cannot create. Your customers are research-focused and savvy; they appreciate insights only your brand can offer. Find the right channels to connect with your target audience and give them SME-based content.

How to get started:

Find your SMEs, explain the value of their voices, and create one-of-a-kind content. Better yet, build them up on LinkedIn and ask them to be thought leaders on the platform.

Who to follow on LinkedIn to learn more: Jenny Romanchuk

 6. Interactive Content

Recent research is predicting that interactive content such as polls, quizzes, demos and shoppable posts is expected to gain in popularity. These engaging and immersive experiences not only provide a seamless user interface but also encourage direct purchases by enabling users to interact with brands in a more personalized and interactive way. With the ability to capture user preferences and offer tailored recommendations, interactive content is revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their customers and drive conversions.

How to get started:

Review your UX and determine where a poll / interactive calculator / demo / quiz could help enhance the experience. Revisit well-loved content and see how to repurpose it into something interactive.

7. Video Content (Don't Forget Captions!)

Video content will continue to rise in popularity, surpassing other formats as the primary means of engaging with users and storytelling. Additionally, the shareable aspect of videos enables easy distribution across various platforms, amplifying their reach and impact. As a result, I believe the trend of video content will soar even higher in the future, reshaping the way we consume and interact with media. Note: Don’t forget captions! Accessibility will be critical in 2024! (See point #11 below)

How to get started:

Think of how to chunk down a podcast into short videos, share videos on YouTube shorts and Insta reels, add insights videos to LinkedIn, embed short snippets in website pages and FAQS. Content splintering and amplification is key; one podcast = 25 different short videos.
Who to follow on LinkedIn to learn more: Tony Gnau

8. More Podcasting

Podcasting will continue to experience significant growth in the coming years. Podcasts are versatile and accessible, offering a valuable platform for storytelling and expertise-sharing across various channels. With content splintering and amplification, podcasts can equal massive amounts of additional content without a heavy lift on internal teams.

How to get started:

Find the right audience, poll them with a few ideas, and see what sticks. Start a podcast and see how it can fuel your content marketing strategy in 2024 and beyond.

9. More Data

Companies will use data to help drive marketing and sales decisions more than ever before. Marketers are becoming more comfortable integrating data into content creation decisions, and this trend will only continue. Tools like GA4, Google Search Console and Databox make this easy and it's almost a requirement to be data-driven in strategic planning.

How to get started:

Look at the data regularly to pivot on strategic planning and let the data lead the way.
Who to follow on LinkedIn to learn more: Peter Caputa

10. A Focus on Sustainability and Social Responsibility

In today's consumer landscape, more than ever, consumers are placing a high priority on brands that not only offer quality products and services but also demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainability and social causes. This shift in consumer mindset has led to a significant rise in purpose-driven content strategies, where brands align their messaging and values with the larger goals of positively impacting society and the environment.

How to get started:

If your company is prioritizing sustainability and that's not clear to stakeholders, employees, vendors, buyers, etc., build a campaign to get this message out there.

11. A Focus on Accessibility

Accessibility matters. Brands are recognizing that messages and initiatives must be inclusive and accessible to all. Whether it's creating content with alt-text for visually impaired individuals, ensuring websites are navigable with screen readers, or embracing universal design principles, accessibility isn't just a legal obligation—it's a moral imperative. Brands that champion accessibility not only demonstrate empathy and inclusivity but also open their doors to a broader audience, fostering a deeper connection and resonating impact within audiences.

How to get started:

Learn the laws and find ways to enhance online accessibility.
This helpful article is a great place to start!


What predictions do you have for content marketing in 2024?

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Connect with me on LinkedIn, and let's chat! 


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