Janice Dombrowski

Janice Dombrowski is the Content Director at Stream Creative with a focus on writing and strategic development, from idea to execution. Inbound certified. Canadian. Big fan of snow.
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Recent Posts

AI and Brand Voice: The 3-Step Guide to Better AI Outputs

Stream Creative’s recent event, “Maximizing AI Outputs with Your Brand’s Voice,” highlighted the role of brand voice and how it can be integrated to guide AI content creation.

Here are the presentation highlights.

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Author: Janice Dombrowski

Content Marketing Predictions: 2024

Isn’t it too early to talk about content marketing predictions in 2024?

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Author: Janice Dombrowski

Content and AI: How to Leverage AI (Responsibly) to Boost Content Strategy and Content Development

This page was not written with artificial intelligence (AI), but [technically speaking] it could have been.

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Author: Janice Dombrowski

Email Marketing Trends and Best Practices (2024)

Email is an efficient and effective strategy to reach your audience, but there are several things marketers should consider before hitting ‘send’.

Continue reading to dive deeper into email marketing trends and best practices and discover ways to make your email marketing strategies effective and up-to-date.

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Author: Janice Dombrowski

7 Essential Reasons Marketing and Customer Service Need to Communicate

The silos of traditional organizational department structures are crumbling. There has been a welcomed shift in strategic thinking, emphasizing collaborative work circles and interdepartmental teams. Not only does it make sense from a tactical standpoint, the collaboration between two key departments – marketing and customer service – is essential.

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Author: Janice Dombrowski

Chatbot Examples: How 8 Industries Are Thriving With Chatbots

No matter the industry, chatbots are becoming an essential tool. More than 1.4 billion people and more than 60% of Millenials already use chatbots and that number is rising.

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Author: Janice Dombrowski

6 Types of Chatbots to Help Improve User Experience and Leads

Is your business struggling to offer 24/7 answers to the questions customers are asking?

Are you seeking opportunities to reduce sales friction and seamlessly pass prospects through their buyer journey from awareness, to consideration, and finally, to the decision stage of their journey?

If yes, then you might want to learn more about chatbots.

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Author: Janice Dombrowski

Buyer Journey Data: The Secret to Campaign & Content Development

Prospects. Buyers. Seekers of information.

There are a lot of ways to think about the folks you want to buy your product or use your services. What they have in common is what you need to find out.

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Author: Janice Dombrowski

New HubSpot Flywheel, Product Features, Pricing, Announced at Inbound 2018

The inbound methodology has been built on the pillars of attracting, converting, closing, and delighting customers -- but does it seem like we have all forgotten the value of our new (and awesome) customers? What are you doing, right this minute, to delight your customers? Or more importantly -- how are you using your current customers to get more customers?
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Author: Janice Dombrowski

How to Use Hubspot Video In Your Sales, Marketing and Service Strategy

The use of video in marketing and sales is something influencers have touted as “the future of content” for the last five years. Despite the attention, the majority of brands are not yet harnessing the power of video to leverage marketing, sales and service offers for prospects and customers through every aspect of the marketing funnel.
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Author: Janice Dombrowski