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50+ Content Ideas & Examples For Your Manufacturing Marketing Campaigns

Written by Stephanie Santoro | Sep 23, 2020 6:55:31 PM

We're all familiar with the phrase "content is king". Since being coined in 1996 by Bill Gates, it's been overworked in articles and blogs across the internet. Are you sick of hearing it? Maybe. Is it still true? Absolutely.

Having a consistent stream of fresh content is a crucial part of a successful content strategy. But as any content creator will tell you, it's all too easy to get burned out. So we've put together a list of over 50 types of content (broken up into eight categories) to help you get the creative juices flowing!

Apply these ideas to your blog, website, videos or podcasts to start generating more traffic and leads. Once you've found some inspiration, jump to the bottom of our blog to take your content strategy to the next level!

Jump To Content Categories:

  1. How-To-Articles
  2. Explainer Educational Articles
  3. Reviews
  4. Expert Interviews
  5. Case Studies
  6. News Stories
  7. Insightful Posts
  8. Opposing Viewpoints
  9. BONUS: Getting Started With Your Content Strategy

1. How-To-Articles

Practical articles of useful information that helps your readers solve important problems or reach new levels of expertise. It’s a good idea to make these types of posts a major staple of your blog’s editorial calendar by publishing them frequently.

2. Explainer Educational Articles

You are an expert in your industry. Share that knowledge using articles and insights to educate and inform your readers.

3. Reviews

Reviews with a summary and objective opinions covering books, products, services, Web sites, research, surveys, or studies your reader base cares about and are an excellent way to draw in, help and involve others.

4. Expert Interviews

Written, audio or video interviews with people who have expert industry or topical knowledge relevant to your reader base. These are a great source of traffic and engagement.

HOT TIP: While a video interview can very engaging on it's own, it's a best practice to always have a transcription of the video (preferably lower on the page). This is better for two main reasons 1) SEO and 2) it makes your content more accessible to all types of visitors.


5. Case Studies

Used to examine the challenges and successes businesses and people in your industry have experienced that your readers can relate to and be inspired by. These are extremely valuable to connect with your audience and resonate with their needs and desires.

6. News Stories

Publish stories about the latest industry developments, trends or happenings your readers would be interested in hearing about.

7. Insightful Posts

You can inspire or champion a particular cause, aspiration or goal you believe in and know is important to your reader base.

  • Thought Leadership – share your position, idea or viewpoint on a particular topic

  • Awe-Inspiring – posts that inspire a sense of awesomeness in a particular ideal

  • Response – a direct response to a challenge or crisis situation

  • Humor – poke some fun at yourself, a topic, your industry or share a humorous story

  • Prediction – make a forecast or contradict one made by someone else

  • Deep Dive – take a closer look at something others regard as worthless or highly valuable

8. Opposing Viewpoints

Occasionally, consider articles that dispel or take an opposing view of commonly held beliefs and practices being talked about in your industry.

  • Opposing View – reveal and discuss a differing position on a topic or issue

  • Compare or Contrast – discuss the differences or similarities of two concepts or terms

  • Myth Busting – dispel a commonly held belief and show why it’s no longer valid
  • Trouble With – discuss the “dark side” of something with an alternative viewpoint

  • Different Dimension – show where the gaps are and offer a better way

Getting Started With Your New Content Strategy

Whew! That's a lot of content options, now comes the big question: what type of content should you create first? Consider these steps:

Step 1: Do a Content Audit of Your Previously Published Static Content

Knowing what you already have will keep you from repeating work. Some of your existing content that's not performing well may even be a few minor improvements away from being a significant draw to your website. Start with these to get some quick wins under your belt.

Step 2: Repurpose Content Into New Incarnations

Got a blog with useful content that's not bringing in views? Consider repurposing it as an infographic or video. Maybe that video from a year ago would be better received as a blog series?

By reimagining the same information in different forms, you create new content while saving time on research and test to see what is the best medium for that information to be presented.

Examples of Different Mediums to Present Content:

Downloads (ebook, checklist, etc), video, blog, infographic, or social series.

Step 3: Optimize and Promote

So you have all this fantastic content. Now you need to keep reminding people about it. Start by publishing CTAs on your web pages with relevant content and promoting on your social media calendar. To take things further, consider a paid promotion strategy on Google AdWords, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Before people start downloading your content, develop workflow content for email nurturing. This is your chance to promote more content of yours to an audience that has expressed interest.

3 Email Workflow Example:

You are a website that sells used books. Someone has just downloaded your checklist of Summer Reading Suggestions For High Schoolers. Your workflow should follow an order similar to this:

Email 1: Thank you for downloading! Here is your resource, and contact info in case you need more information.

Email 2: Because of your interest in "Summer Reading Suggestions For High Schoolers," we recommend these college prep resources!

Email 3: Your business's primary call to action. "Visit this page to order from our library!"

Step 4: Tap Into Your Customer-Facing Teams for Content Ideas

Find out the questions and problems customers face as they interact with your sales, customer service, and accounting teams. Make that content a priority, then create and publish content in as many owned, paid and shared media channels as possible.

We hope this list helps you out on those days when the creative process feels more like the vegetative process. You can download your own copy of 50+ Content Ideas Your Buyer Personas Will Love below!

If you need help with your creative campaign, give us a shout! We'd love to help :)