Do you have a LinkedIn Company page? Do you know what should be included in a company page? Do you know how to successfully use a LinkedIn page?

Do you have a LinkedIn Company page? Do you know what should be included in a company page? Do you know how to successfully use a LinkedIn page?
“Having a profile that is 100% complete is 40 times more effective,” but only 50% of profiles are at 100% complete on LinkedIn. That’s how Wayne Breitbarth started his LinkedIn training, Power Formula for LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is more than an online resume platform. Many different benefits can come from taking full advantage of the various opportunities with LinkedIn. Groups are used in LinkedIn as way for individuals and professionals from similar industries to share interesting topics and create discussions.
LinkedIn has taken sharing and networking on company profiles to the next level, making company pages more useful and effective, while increasing the chances of company follower growth. The developers at LinkedIn understand a businesses’ need for engagement and customer growth, which is why LinkedIn announced that marketers are now able to send Targeted Status Updates to their followers.
If you've struggled reaching your prospects via traditional marketing, it might be time to try something new. How about starting a lemonade stand?
Are you one of those business professionals who have a LinkedIn profile but only use it to accept connection requests? Do you wonder how exactly you can use LinkedIn to increase sales and revenue?
When putting together a social media strategy, focus on the small things to help drive big success. Companies often struggle with the notion of where to begin - especially those companies that sell a large number of products or services. By starting too big, you could be setting yourself up for failure - OR preventing yourself from starting at all.
My daily fix of inbound marketing and social media usually starts with the Hubspot blog. Hubspot's latest blogpost about LinkedIn explains how they have a new Twitter app that you can add to your profile which gives a lot more integration with Twitter allowing you to respond to tweets as well as follow people within LinkedIn. The nice thing about this app is that you can now easily see which of your LinkedIn connections also have Twitter accounts. The new app also provides a link to create a complete private Twitter list of these connections.
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