Jeff Coon

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Social Media Strategy: Start Small. Finish Big.

Grow into your social media plan.When putting together a social media strategy, focus on the small things to help drive big success. Companies often struggle with the notion of where to begin - especially those companies that sell a large number of products or services. By starting too big, you could be setting yourself up for failure - OR preventing yourself from starting at all.

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Author: Jeff Coon

Why Should You Assemble a Social Media Team?

Article originally written and published for Inbound Marketing University

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Author: Jeff Coon

Twitter increases website traffic by 500%

As a follow up to yesterday's article on the power of twitter to increase brand awareness, I would like to share another recent example that illustrates how Twitter can help increase website traffic by leveraging social networks.

How to create an ebook
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Author: Jeff Coon

Increasing brand awareness using Twitter

For those who use Twitter, you understand the power that it can have on building and expanding your brand. For those still on the fence as to whether or not Twitter can be used for business purposes, I will share 2 quick examples that we just recently experienced.

One of the advantages of Twitter is that your brand can very quickly and easily be promoted to other, larger networks. In both examples, this was certainly the case.

In our first example, I received an email from a former colleague who launched a new website. He was looking for some general feedback - and also wanted to let me know the website was live for my viewing pleasure. I checked out the site and was very impressed, so I tweeted about it to our 600+ followers (certainly not a huge following) and encouraged them to check out the site because I truly felt it was of value to them.

What happened next illustrates the power of twitter for brand exposure. One of our followers retweeted (RT) my original tweet to his network of 5,500 followers. And then another one of our followers retweeted it to their network of 450+ followers. So, in a very short time over 6,000 people were exposed to this new website. Certainly not a bad thing for a start-up site looking for increased exposure.

The results of these efforts (which took no real effort at all) was an 80% increase in website traffic. Admittedly, it didn’t send millions of viewers to his site but I don’t think any business would complain about that type of return on their marketing effort.

The other benefit was that my former colleague had the opportunity to post a “thank you” reply to those who mentioned his site, which creates goodwill amongst all parties and opens the door for future engagement. You can see how over time each of these small touch points can have a positive effect for a brand. After all, isn’t it the little things that make the big difference?

Tomorrow I will share our second example of how Twitter can increase your brand exposure. Do any of you have examples of Twitter success? If so, please share them in the comments section below.
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Author: Jeff Coon

8 Starter Tasks to Join the Inbound Marketing World

Article originally written and published for Inbound Marketing University

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Author: Jeff Coon

Target Ads Weren't 'LOST' On Us

Target TV Ad

For those LOST fans out there, you probably noticed the amount of TV ads that ran during the Season Finale. Admittedly, I was getting frustrated with the constant interruptions but I really enjoyed the ads that Target ran. (You can preview the TV Spots below.)

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Author: Jeff Coon

The Basics of Inbound Marketing

Have you heard of inbound marketing? If not, we wanted to take this opportunity to give you a basic overview of how inbound marketing can be used to drive more traffic to your website, increase sales leads and convert more of your leads to customers using social media tools and networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Blogs, etc.

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Author: Jeff Coon

When is social sharing too much?

If one of your friends asked you to send them your latest credit card statement for the purposes of posting it online for all of your friends and family to see, would you do it?
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Author: Jeff Coon

Using foursquare for a purpose

If you’re on twitter and you’ve seen a tweet like this: (@Walgreens), you know what it is. It’s someone checking in at their current location through foursquare. It’s becoming more common and doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon as users and businesses are taking full advantage of this new media.

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Author: Jeff Coon

Disney Encourages Customers To Do Good

One of the things that draws us to social media is the concept of transparency. We feel that social media has held companies more accountable and makes them more customer-focused. A few years ago, a company could run a marketing campaign, claiming to be the best at this or that. They could also claim to be solely focused on their customers needs – even if they weren’t – and it was difficult for customers to prove them wrong (at least at a global level).

Give a day. Get a day from Disney.
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Author: Jeff Coon